We Need to Talk: Defaulting and Bias
Something that Natalie Reed touched on, is the fact that straight, white, cis men are seen as the “[default]“(https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MenAreGenericWomenAreSpecial) . This cultural message leads some male skeptics, who should really know better, to have internalized an idea that minorities have biases (because, obviously, they’re different!) and they do not. I think this is the biggest factor leading to what’s come to be called “mansplaining“. (When you think about it, “[mansplaining]”(https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mansplain ) is not much different from what many skeptics and atheists do all the time when talk to theists, climate change deniers, creationists, anti-vaxers, etc. The difference here is that they aren’t really talkinmg facts, they’re often talking feelings – filtered through bias.) As a student of history I’ve learned the lesson all historians have to get really quick: Everyone is biased.
Natalie Reed - Thoughts From A Diversity Hire
[I asked Natalie Reed if I could publish this here because she makes a point I have been failing to make, and she makes it much better than I could have. It originally appeared on February 20, 2012. And yes, she’s our first non-white dude contributor, but we’re looking for more .]
This post is not going to be another discussion of Loftus or his remarks. There’s not really any need to carry that any further, I feel comfortable with how this resolved and like there isn’t much left to be said. I also feel for the most part that his comments speak for themselves, and my colleagues at FTB have already done a great job of defending my worth and discussing why his diversity-hire comment was not okay and crossed the line.
Submit your short films to the Atheist Film Festival!
Want the opportunity to share your cinematic vision with hundreds of other atheists, skeptics, and freethinkers on the big screen, and a chance to win $250? Every year, the Atheist Film Festival in San Francisco (AFF) features a selection of provocative, engaging, thought-provoking, and/or hilarious short films. _Whether you’re an amateur filmmaker, pro, semi-pro, or never operated a camera other than your smart phone, they want to see what you can come up with!
If you are "not taking sides" you may be helping the bad guys
I despair and come close to just saying “fuck it” and abandoning my participation in the skeptic and atheist communities on at least a weekly basis because of how often I see unconscionable behavior not only happen but being defended by man, and in some cases at least tolerated by very prominent leaders in our community. Sam Harris has famously argued that “moderate”, liberal theists provide cover for religious extremists. I see the same thing happening here. People who defend “minor” sexist acts and ideas, or who even just avoid talking about it are providing cover and a safe-haven for the people who threaten to rape 15 year old girls on reddit and who actually commit sexual assault and rape.
More Than Men needs more than men
From the start there has been a lot of internal and external discussion of whether or not a project like More Than Men with it’s country-club style membership can really serve a purpose in the movement for greater equality and diversity. Obviously I think it can, if only because there are some people who are receptive to the message but because of how society trains them they have a harder time hearing and understanding a minority voice. But straight, white, cis, able-bodied men can’t be all there is anywhere. Now that we’ve got almost two months behind us here it’s time to get closer to where I’ve wanted us to be all along.
SkeptiCal 2012
Not only will I be attending (though not speaking), but we’ve managed to get an even split between male and female speakers including our parent organization’s president, Elyse Anders of the Women Thinking Free Foundation.
Tickets until April 1st are $50 ($35 for students) and $60 for everyone thereafter so, get your tickets soon and save yourself some money for the bar!
Benjamin: Stonier Realize You're Discriminating
That’s just not true. I’m going to admit something right now. I’m a straight, white guy with a middle-class upbringing. I am also, irrevocably racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and probably a host of other -ists and -phobics that you can toss at me. I’m like this because I’m a product of a society that is also racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and all the others. I’ve been taught a certain view of normalcy, and as a result, I act with mannerisms that reflect this certain view. It’s not an attempt to insult; I’m not consciously discriminatory. But it’s still there.
A Gentleman Does Not Tackle
Something lighter today. My good friend and my favorite comedian Matt Gubser gives his take on the questions I asked on Friday . This is him working on his bit before it’s completely finished, so he’s asked that you not judge him by it. I think it’s hilarious, though.(Video is NSFW due to some salty language.)
Remember when we said "Help Wanted"?
Don’t worry about having something “original” to say (lord knows I’m not very original), or for it being super-duper polished (you’ve read my work, right), just write a few hundred words, make a video, draw a picture…and send it to me ! Tell us that diversity is important to you. Tell us what you’re doing to make things better.
Also, still looking for a couple of staff writers who can post once or twice a week. I am a busy guy and I need help to make this place as awesome as it can be. Get in touch , please.
But 'I'm an atheist...
First off, we all have stories about that atheist who is not a critical thinker. My own is a guy who laughed at Christianity because their sole evidence was a book that is a few thousand years old. In the next breath he sang the praises of traditional Chinese magical ground-up penis herbal medicine, because it’s been practiced for thousands of years. In other words what was laughable as evidence for Christianity was compelling evidence for something that appealed to him. What does this mean? This means that rejecting religion doesn’t mean rejecting bullshit. According to Christopher Bader’s Paranormal America
, 42% of the non-religious believe in the mythical Atlantis.